
Where Scraperite may be in use...

Removing Pesky Gum from your Carpets?

If your cleaning company is responsible for carpet spotting or overall carpet cleaning, you are eventually going to run across gum that is smashed into the carpet fibers. You may be cleaning up just a piece or two or if you are cleaning the carpet in a school or bowling alley, you may be removing gum every few feet. So is there a fast, easy way to ...

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  3393 Hits

Car Care - Use Deionised Water For the Final Rinse

One of the worst things to contend with when you are washing your car, especially on hot Summer days is water spots. No matter how hard you try it is sometimes almost impossible to stop water spots from appearing as your car dries. If this is a problem you are suffering from every time you wash your car then you will be pleased to know that the cau...

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  4506 Hits

Will 3D Printing Be the Demise of Plastic Injection Molding?

Some observers of the plastics manufacturing industry, especially those with a vested interest, would like to have you believe that 3D printing is going to be the demise of injection molding. While there are certainly cases where 3D printing makes sense, the reports of the death of injection molding have been greatly exaggerated. Plastic injection ...

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  2592 Hits

Insights on Cleaning your Car Interior

If you love your car, you will care how clean it is. Cleaning the outside of your car is easy business, you can just do it in one flash or can you not? However, the interior is troublesome, and most people tend to feel lousy when it comes to doing the job. Yet the truth is cleaning your car interior is one of the best ways to keep it in f...

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  2547 Hits

Changing Your Boat’s Name

When you purchase a new boat, you need to decide if you want to keep the boat's name, or change it to something new. While we liked our sailboat's former name, Fortune Cookie, we made the decision to change it to Mahi. What tipped the scales for us was the length of the previous name. Once the boat purchase is complete, you need to remove the old n...

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  3300 Hits