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Will 3D Printing Be the Demise of Plastic Injection Molding?

Some observers of the plastics manufacturing industry, especially those with a vested interest, would like to have you believe that 3D printing is going to be the demise of injection molding. While there are certainly cases where 3D printing makes sense, the reports of the death of injection molding have been greatly exaggerated. Plastic injection ...

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  2643 Hits

Changing Your Boat’s Name

When you purchase a new boat, you need to decide if you want to keep the boat's name, or change it to something new. While we liked our sailboat's former name, Fortune Cookie, we made the decision to change it to Mahi. What tipped the scales for us was the length of the previous name. Once the boat purchase is complete, you need to remove the old n...

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  3378 Hits

Planning Party Appetizers for a New Years Eve Party

When planning a New Years Eve Party, selecting the right party appetizers is crucial to the success of the party itself, both for the hosts and the guests. The first consideration is to make it easy on the cook. There are all sorts of wonderful creations you can make as New Years Eve party recipes, but if the cook is in the kitchen all night, it is...

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