Car Care - Use Deionised Water For the Final Rinse

One of the worst things to contend with when you are washing your car, especially on hot Summer days is water spots. No matter how hard you try it is sometimes almost impossible to stop water spots from appearing as your car dries. If this is a problem you are suffering from every time you wash your car then you will be pleased to know that the cause has been identified. You are using the wrong sort of water! Now before you go off and say that you are fighting a lost cause because there is no way to change your water, there is a solution. You need to change to de-ionised water for the final rinse of your car. What is De-ionisation? Ions are simply impurities that exist in any normal water supply and come in the form of dissolved minerals such as calcium and sodium, When the water evaporates the minerals that were once dissolved in the water are left behind to leave unsightly spots on your paintwork. The normal course of action is to dry your car with a soft cloth or paper towel so that the water doesn't have time to evaporate and leave behind the spots. This is sometimes impractical though, especially on a hot day when the sun will dry parts of your car before you get a chance to g...

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Will 3D Printing Be the Demise of Plastic Injection Molding?

Some observers of the plastics manufacturing industry, especially those with a vested interest, would like to have you believe that 3D printing is going to be the demise of injection molding. While there are certainly cases where 3D printing makes sense, the reports of the death of injection molding have been greatly exaggerated. Plastic injection molding is a tried-and-true method of production that is in no danger of going away anytime soon. It is a basic, dependable method of producing high quality plastic parts. Despite recent improvements in the technology of 3D printing and those likely to emerge in the future, the fact is that more than 80% of plastic parts used in products today have to be injection molded. The answer to the question, "Which manufacturing method is best for my part?" is, "It depends." It depends on variables like quantity, quality and cost. Quantity David Kazmer, Professor of Plastics Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, said in a published paper that 3D printing currently makes sense for the most rapid "procurement time to quantity" for a small quantity of 50 or fewer units. So for production runs, injection molding is still the best manu...

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Insights on Cleaning your Car Interior

If you love your car, you will care how clean it is. Cleaning the outside of your car is easy business, you can just do it in one flash or can you not? However, the interior is troublesome, and most people tend to feel lousy when it comes to doing the job. Yet the truth is cleaning your car interior is one of the best ways to keep it in fantastic condition. Cleaning the interior of a car cannot be done in a flash, it is not a matter of sponge bathing the seats, the dashboard, and the car carpets, and then that is it. No, you have to do what is known as detailing the interior of your car. Detailing your car interior is therefore the first step in cleaning the interior effectively. To clean the car you will need a vacuum that will blast off the inevitable dust that is clogged in the seats, on the dashboard, in the boot, on the floor of the car and on every seam that may harbor dust particles in your car. It is prudent to use a plastic vacuum device as opposed to the metal type in order to keep the fabric in your car from tearing and scratching. Vacuums for the car are a must have, for cleaning car interior. These are not bulky equipment and they use very little power. ...

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Changing Your Boat’s Name

When you purchase a new boat, you need to decide if you want to keep the boat's name, or change it to something new. While we liked our sailboat's former name, Fortune Cookie, we made the decision to change it to Mahi. What tipped the scales for us was the length of the previous name. Once the boat purchase is complete, you need to remove the old name and then add on the new. Last weekend, with the boat hauled out, it was time for us to do this. I borrowed the boat yard's scaffold, gathered my supplies, and had at it. Here is a tutorial for any boat owners or cruisers who also need to know how to do this. It was very easy to remove. Supplies needed for removal: Hair dryer, extension cord, clean cotton rag, ScrapeRite plastic razor blades, and 3m Adhesive remover, plastic gloves. To begin, you need to have access to the old vinyl boat letters. If the boat is afloat, most people will work from the dinghy, some will use a bosun chair or climbing gear and hang off the boat side. Since we were hauled out in the yard, I was able to use a big scaffold to easily reach the boat name letters and hailing port on the stern. For applying heat, I prefer a hair dryer over a heat gun because it do...

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How to Properly Care for Your Vehicle Graphic

Vinyl wraps are delicate; they do not require much care, but just paying a little attention toward regular maintenance can double the life of the wrap. "Regular maintenance" may be determined differently depending on your location. The vehicle graphics that are found to be located in polluted areas such as growing industries or low lying areas are recommended to be more frequently rinsed with a mild car detergent and clean water mixture. There are various do's and don'ts that help maintain the quality as well as the life of a graphic vinyl film. What you SHOULD do - - When you are about to apply any detergent or cleaning solution to the vinyl film, it's better to test it on a small section first to make sure it is safe for your wrap. - It is highly recommended to read the instructions carefully before applying the cleaning solution. - After applying the soapy water blend to the vinyl film, make sure to wash it with clean water only. - You should let the vehicle air dry, or use a micro-fibre cloth to give it a buff-dry. - Wash your vehicle at a regular intervals to remove debris from its surface which can cause wear and tear of ...

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