
Where Scraperite may be in use...

Crucial Habits for Boat Owners

Boats are expensive! Owning a big beautiful vessel is a luxury we have all wished for at some point, but it can prove to be extremely costly. Every boat suffers from immense wear and tear, since they are constantly exposed to the natural elements. But, keeping boats in tip top shape doesn't necessarily have to cost an arm and a ...

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  3126 Hits

Removing Pesky Gum from your Carpets?

If your cleaning company is responsible for carpet spotting or overall carpet cleaning, you are eventually going to run across gum that is smashed into the carpet fibers. You may be cleaning up just a piece or two or if you are cleaning the carpet in a school or bowling alley, you may be removing gum every few feet. So is there a fast, easy way to ...

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  3393 Hits

Recycling Plastic - Facts You Need to Know

If you have heard about the Plastic Continent -- the floating island of plastic twice the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean -- then you understand how crucial it is to recycle plastic. Right now, only 5% of plastics worldwide are recycled. Some of this is ignorance: most of the world still simply doesn't understand the danger plastics pose to our ...

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  3977 Hits

Tips for cleaning up after your holiday party

The wine bottles are empty. The candles have seen their last flicker. And the last guest has gone home. You want to put your feet up with a big sigh of relief, but wait — there's cleaning up to do. Doing any type of cleaning when your holiday party is over might not seem like a particularly glamorous way to finish the evening. But taking care of a ...

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  3217 Hits